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For the past decade there have been three options for the treatment of dynamic wrinkles on the upper third of the face: Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin. As of May 2019 there is a new option, Jeuveau™. Jeuveau™ received FDA approval in February 2019 and is now offered by Dr. Ryan Scannell.

Jeuveau™ is a new neurotoxin made by the California-based Evolus Corporation. The FDA approved it in February of this year for the treatment of glabellar lines, the lines colloquially known as frown lines. Jeuveau™ is a new option to BOTOX, Dysport, and Xeomin.

The FDA approval was only for the treatment of glabellar lines. If you choose, Dr. Scannell may be able to use Jeuveau™ “off-label” on the other areas treated by Botox. These are crow’s feet and the 11’s between the brows. Since its mechanisms of action are the same, it’s likely your results will also be the same, if not better (no “Botox headache”).

If you are over 18 and have wrinkles at rest (meaning no animation), you’re a good candidate for Jeuveau™. Jeuveau, like all of the neurotoxins, doesn’t have any effect on static wrinkles. These are the wrinkles that are due to sun damage, personal habits, and declining collagen. Static wrinkles are not due to muscle contractions.



GSR™: Getting Skin Ready is an essential ZO® principle for both daily maintenance and preparing skin for therapeutic medical treatment. It ensures skin functions properly, tolerating all daily exposure and activities. In addition, it prevents and controls acne, rosacea, shaving bumps, skin pigmentation problems, enlarged pores and skin texture that is rough and damaged. The GSR™ Getting Skin Ready system will optimize the effectiveness of your ZO® treatment program.

Comprised of cleansing, scrubbing, and control for dry skin and oily skin. This system helps eliminate skin sensitivity, restore hydration, enhance skin health and minimize treatment complications. Below we expand on each step of this basic skincare routine.”
For a limited time, we are giving away the complete 3-Step Kit with every qualifying skin care purchase! Call the office for details, 978-376-8605. Please visit the following link for the steps on “getting your skin ready!